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What Are Electronic Health Records (EHRs)?

2024-05-18 19:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

EHRs are, at their simplest, digital (computerized) versions of patients' paper charts. But EHRs, when fully up and running, are so much more than that.

EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records. They make information available instantly, "whenever and wherever it is needed". And they bring together in one place everything about a patient's health. EHRs can:

Contain information about a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and lab and test results Offer access to evidence-based tools that providers can use in making decisions about a patient's care Automate and streamline providers' workflow Increase organization and accuracy of patient information Support key market changes in payer requirements and consumer expectations






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